Friday, December 27, 2019
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Business Proposal and Sales Pitch restaurant fine dining segment Coursework
Essays on Business Proposal and Sales Pitch restaurant fine dining segment Coursework Business Proposal and Sales Pitch restaurant fine dining segment Any successful business venture considers intelligent pricing as one of its core elements. The restaurant business has various pricing strategies available for them to choose although they need to carry out careful selection. A mis-step in choosing the right strategy can plunge the business into a big problem. First, the business could opt for price building. This feature allows customers to buy various items and services for one price. The restaurant could for instance offer combined meals dubbed a plate at a flat price. It could for instance be half-size pizza, a burger, and half-a-litre of soda for a single price. The cost configuration of the restaurant will be such that offering additional service constitutes less when providing the second service independently (Cox, 1994). Another benefit derived from the same practice would be letting customers buy related services from the restaurant. The system allows clients t o save on money by sticking to the restaurant when they purchase their meals. Bundling effectively raises the connections made by the restaurant with the clients. The business could consider using suggested prices from the suppliers of various products in this case considered the manufacturer’s proposed retail price. The strategy helps the business to eliminate costs brought by pricing decisions. Other costs associated with proactive pricing decisions remain at large for the restaurant. The business should develop a winning restaurant business plan because it is an essential roadmap that drives the business into the future. In addition to offering direction, the business plan ensures that the planner puts into consideration all the opportunities and pitfalls of the prospective restaurant before it officially start operating (Gartside, 1987). Preparing a winning restaurant business plan is the only significant ingredient in actualising the business. The greatest weakness of most restaurants is failing to make proper plans as they tend to quickly venture into markets. The restaurant requires well-trained staffs, a creative plan for marke ting, and enhancing operational steps. To strengthen the business, the management will concentrate on the important strategies in the process of enhancing the degree of success. The restaurant business operates in an industry with other competing businesses. Large economic patterns point to evaluating the stability of the entire business environment. Evaluating local trends entails patterns in the neighbourhood as well as the regional zones with immediate influence on the restaurant. The economic patterns of the target clients are also in this category. Global Economic Conditions The outcome of operations of hotel operations rely on numerous general and industry-specific characteristics, some that go beyond the control of the restaurant. Changes that influence operations of the restaurant are regional, national, as well as local economic situations. Others include customer preferences, and patterns in the spending of consumers. There are other factors that affect ways through which consumers spend while at the same time determining the quantity of disposable income by clients. The factors include recessionary economic features, unstable economy, prolonged slowdown in the economy, high rates of unemployment, reducing wages and salaries, inflation, rising energy-products prices, and ever-increasing interest rates. Many times, these factors reduce the spending by customers. People tend to spend less when eating in hotels, which results in decreased income or earnings by the restaurant. Increase in the price of natural gas, gasoline, credit card, electricity, and home mortgage in addition to the cost of borrowing exerts upward pressure on interest rates. In the process, the clients do not remain with bigger portion on disposable income. It explains the reasons behind reduced frequency in dining in restaurants. The Business Cycle Expansion The restaurant runs businesses in the current contemporary business environment it is therefore, faced with uncertainties. One of the features of the current restaurant business is the fluctuation of trends of economic operations in the long-run. The business cycle of the restaurant defines fluctuations that take place within the economy across many but countable years. The management of the restaurant clearly comprehends that the life of the business will face several changes among them both economic decline and growth coming in different phases. Presently, the restaurant is in the expansion stage of the business cycle. The framework currently executed by the management keeps increasing the demand for consumer goods and more sources of capital. The entrepreneurs and the management are in the process of pumping more money into the business with the intention of utilising the opportunities that increases sales that result in enhanced profits by the business. Some of the sources of ext ra capital sought by the management are from banking institutions that remain willing to grant loans at reduced interest rates because of the current status of the business. Increased interest in the goods and services offered by the restaurant has informed the management for the need to have more employees to serve the ever-increasing number of clients. Current Credit Conditions Statistics indicate that over the last four decades the restaurant industry showed three different business cycles. The cycles came through from peak-to-peak and trough-to-trough. Nonetheless, the industry continues to enjoy high growth. The trend appears common in every five years from 1998. However, the expansions have differed in duration at a higher rate compared to the differences in the growth stages. The management of the restaurant takes into consideration the marketing environment before plunging into the process of developing new services for customers or products. Among them are tastes and trends, size of the budget, competitors in the business, and both legal and political influences. The Sale Pitch Identifying the restaurant retailer services and products Developing brands through service and product positioning Benefits of the service to the customer Aligning the new brand in line with the image of the restaurant Deciding on the required action Highlighting market patterns that support the business case for Shelf Space Analysing both indirect and direct competition to the service or product Supportive features of the product Reasons influencing the buyer to get the service or product. Conclusion To run restaurant operations, the firm will employ people; buy equipment, and develop facilities to offer services. The members of staff working in the restaurant have the capacity to produce more because they work in a team brought together by the restaurant. The management should provide sophisticated facilities to enhance their productivity. The restaurant should prepare training, education, and facilitate career building seminars to their employees as a way of improving their performance. The business firm should always put the customer first. Clients always remember a courteous and friendly worker as the experience of dining more than the food served to them. It should be clear to the entrepreneurs that the hotel industry is not always gentle as such, it is essential to study competition, prepare for risks, and put in place means of running the restaurant smoothly. Comprehending the aspects of the restaurant business remains essential to a successful restaurant business. References Cox, W. (2004). Power and Profits: U.S. Policy in Central America. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. Gartside, L. (2007). Commerce – A Guide to the Business World. London: Pitman Publishing.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Effective Ways To Improve Interpersonal Relations
Question: The reflective journal provides you with the opportunity to reflect on your learning in this subject and its applicability to you as a manager and/or leader? Answer: Fundamentally, I feel that the relationship grows stronger and stronger when the individuals desire to disclose more about themselves and their working experiences. Surprisingly, I have realized that two people might work together for many years but may not know each other properly (Thon Jucks, 2014). For Instance, I and one of friend use to study in same school but never knew that we were classmates. Later on after coming to college, we realized that we studied in the same school. This happened when we started working in a team project. In various companies or in different professional areas, the culture encourages the coworkers not to share their feelings which make the communication process ineffective among themselves. Therefore, self-disclosure helps to be more supportive and open in such environment. In order to write this reflective journal, I had to research a lot. Thus, through research I came across various definition of Self-disclosure. I understood that self-disclosure is the procedure of letting other people knows about what you want, what you feel and what you think. This is one of the most significant ways to help other people know about you (Shih, Hsu, Yen Lin, 2012). Self-disclosure helps to build up the interpersonal relationships, resolve conflicts and improve communication. The self-disclosure is generally made by unconscious or conscious decisions like for example, we generally express or share our personal information with the counselors because we feel they can help us to solve our issues. Thus self-disclosure helps to build up relation and solve issues (Joinson, Reips, Buchanan Schofield, 2010). Various psychologists believe that the self-disclosure is a hallmark for building intimacy. Revealing emotions, values, goals, motive and intentions help to increase intimacy feel and liking (Hassija Gray, 2012). They believe that leaders who reveal their authentic selves to the followers not only build trust but also engender strong teamwork and greater cooperation. Thus from this I would say that it is a leadership competency, that everybody must try to acquire. Self-disclosure is based on fact (Einspanner, 2013). This can be discussed with a small example: Client: Can you brief me about your qualifications and training? Counselor: Sure, I am pursued my first year degree in psychology and working in this clinic as a part of advance training Client: How many clients have you checked this date? Counselor: Around 100 people since my under graduation training and around 8 people in my advance training This shows that it is very much important to be appropriate in professional nature. It is mainly used to build up strong relationship. Looking at the example, I feel that self-disclosure can civilize the connection between the client and the counselor and increase the intimacy and feeling of trust (Bareket-Bojmel Shahar, 2011). Disclosing relevant information would help to gain the confidence of other person you are interacting with, as client and counselor in the example. Thus looking at this example, I would like to discuss few advantages of self-disclosure in building relationship (Reece, Brandt Howie, 2011). Increases accuracy while communicating with other person: Self-disclosure helps to remove the guesswork from the process of communication. For instance, a person who is already frustrated due to work overload and is unable to balance work-life may see himself/herself trapped in that problem. However, a person who can solve the problem may not realize what is needed until spelled out properly. Revealing the accurate information influences the thinking process, develops a shared mental model which can facilitate good communication and improve the performance of the task. Increases authenticity: I feel that authenticity is very important for developing and building good relation. Thus it is necessary to maintain honesty, transparency and openness. Self-disclosure thus helps to build trust among the people you communicate. Build strong relations: By strengthening the interpersonal communication, self-disclosure helps to strengthen the relationship. Suppose, I am engaged in authentic and open dialogue with one of friends to understand his issues, then it helps to share concerns and common interest which means we develop a high regard for view we share with each other. This helps to make our friendship deeper. Increase self-awareness: Self-awareness is nothing but a foundation to analyze and understand owns emotions, drives and moods and its impact on another people. Self-disclosure helps to plan an effectual change that encourages modifying the communication style and also changing the behavior. Decreasing stress: Many psychologists states that keeping feeling and thoughts inside increases stress and inner tension in an individual as he/she gets too much emphasis on camouflaging own feelings and privacy. Self-disclosure helps to understand the stress factors and discuss the issues that help to transform the feeling of bitterness to feeling of better. As a coin has two sides, similarly, self-disclosure also has some disadvantages. Like showing less self-disclosure might result in suspicion and uncertainty in the feelings of person, similarly, high self-disclosure may lead to revulsion. Being too much disclosed makes the opponent become too comfortable. This sometimes makes the problem to remain unsolved. In case, if you are working as a counselor, the client might start seeing you as a friend instead of professional helper. Executed or poorly timed self-disclosure will lead to distrust. This can make the opponent or the person you are interacting with feel that you are impaired and not listening to his/her issue properly (Balon, 2007). Looking at these disadvantages, I would suggest people to focus on few theories before implementing self-disclosure. According to social penetration theory, people engage in a process of self-disclosure that is reciprocal in nature which changes the depth and breadth of a developed relationship. The depth refers to the sensitive and personal information and breadth refers to various issues or topics that can be discussed. This theory says that people balance the relationship through proper dialect and gradually penetrates through personalities of each other (Tang Wang, 2012). Then the social comparison theory states that people evaluate themselves through comparison with others. By disclosing the values and beliefs, one can determine if they are similar or different. In short, the disclosure helps to understand whether the person is interested in developing relation with another person or not (Howes, 2003). The final theory is the Johari Window. This theory helps to understand the u nknown, blind, hidden and open areas of self (Shenton, 2007). The below given figure shows four windows of Johari: Figure: Johari Window The first window is the open pane whether our information is known to others and also self. The bottom left window is the hidden where the information is known to self but others are not aware of that information. The upper right window is the blind window in which other people are aware about us but we our self lack in understanding self. Lastly, the bottom right window is the unknown area which contains information that neither known to other nor known to ourselves (Biech, 2008). Understanding all the theories and concepts of self-disclosure, I would like to comment that self-disclosure includes needs, feelings, thoughts and observations. Suppose, I say that I live in San Francisco but my move to London is a good decision shows that I am sharing my thought, similarly if I say that I am very happy staying in London, shows my feeling. Lastly If I say that may friend is in need of job and I have asked him to move to London shows the needs and observation. Thus this helps to maintain trust and increase intimacy. This reflective journal discusses the concepts of self-disclosure, how it is helpful in building relations and also analyzes the disadvantages of being highly self-disclosed. The author tries to relate the concept with three different theories social penetration theory, social comparison theory and Johari window in reflective journal. References Balon, R. (2007). Self-disclosure in Psychotherapy. Annals Of Clinical Psychiatry, 19(3), 205-207. doi:10.1080/10401230701557727 Bareket-Bojmel, L., Shahar, G. (2011). Emotional and Interpersonal Consequences of Self-Disclosure in a Lived, Online Interaction. Journal Of Social And Clinical Psychology, 30(7), 732-759. doi:10.1521/jscp.2011.30.7.732 Biech, E. (2008). The Pfeiffer book of successful team-building tools. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer. Einspanner, J. (2013). Privacy online: Perspectives on privacy and self-disclosure in the social web. New Media Society, 15(8), 1401-1402. doi:10.1177/1461444813500461a Hassija, C., Gray, M. (2012). Negative Social Reactions to Assault Disclosure as a Mediator between Self-Blame and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Survivors of Interpersonal Assault. Journal Of Interpersonal Violence, 27(17), 3425-3441. doi:10.1177/0886260512445379 Howes, D. (2003). Sensual relations. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Joinson, A., Reips, U., Buchanan, T., Schofield, C. (2010). Privacy, Trust, and Self-Disclosure Online. HHCI, 25(1), 1-24. doi:10.1080/07370020903586662 Reece, B., Brandt, R., Howie, K. (2011). Human relations. Australia: South-Western Cengage Learning. Shenton, A. (2007). Viewing information needs through a Johari Window. Reference Services Review, 35(3), 487-496. doi:10.1108/00907320710774337 Shih, D., Hsu, S., Yen, D., Lin, C. (2012). Exploring the Individual's Behavior on Self-Disclosure Online. International Journal Of Human-Computer Interaction, 28(10), 627-645. doi:10.1080/10447318.2011.654198 Tang, J., Wang, C. (2012). Self-Disclosure Among Bloggers: Re-Examination of Social Penetration Theory. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, And Social Networking, 15(5), 245-250. doi:10.1089/cyber.2011.0403 Thon, F., Jucks, R. (2014). Regulating privacy in interpersonal online communication: The role of self-disclosure. Studies In Communication Sciences, 14(1), 3-11. doi:10.1016/j.scoms.2014.03.012
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Kudler Fine Food Essay Example
Kudler Fine Food Essay The most important tasks for an HR person are the recruitment and hiring selection of employees. That is why the Human Resources department plays a very important role in the company. The company success is directly connected with the ability of the HR person to hire the right staff and to assign the right positions. For HR representatives there are always a couple of questions in their minds at the moment they start sourcing and selecting talents. Questions such as, what are their values and strengths? Will they be able to carry out the company’s mission and visions? Are they able to bring fresh ideas to the company? Are they ready and open to be trained? Questions like this are not usually answered directly, because it can differ based on the ability of the applicant that is trying to impress the recruiter and obtain the position. At that time the ability of the interviewer comes out, analyzing body languages, personal presentation, and the ability to respond. That is why HR departments use different methods to identify attracting potential talents analyzing and evaluating them to be part of the company. Once the talents or candidates are identified, the HR personnel can start with the selection process. This includes evaluation, collection, and measurement of the qualifications of the possible candidates for the specified position, looking for the person with the right skills to succeed. â€Å"Better recruitment and selection strategies result in improved organizational outcomes. The more effectively organizations recruit and select candidates, the more likely they are to hire and retain satisfied employees. †(Sheila M. Rioux, Ph. D. , and Paul Bernthal, Ph. D. ). We will write a custom essay sample on Kudler Fine Food specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Kudler Fine Food specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Kudler Fine Food specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Analyzing Kudler Fine Foods and its recruitment and selection practices it is easy to identify good methods that Kudler Fine Foods are using to recruit, giving the opportunity to their employees to succeed starting with the hiring process internally before having to look outside for possible candidates. In addition Kudler Fine Foods is advertising in internet using Monster. com which is one of the most popular sites in the internet. Moster. com is one of the largest job search website in the world with over million jobs posting and more than 150 million resumes ( www. osnter. com) . This said so much about the recruitment system in this company because it shows that the HR team is up to date with new recruitment technology. Technology allows organizations to be more proactive and to collect lager amounts of information in less time which gives the company better opportunities to find the right candidates. Kudler Fine Food HR department also does not ignore traditional methods such as job posting in newspapers which help to extend the information to those groups of people who have not been reached through internet postings.
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