Thursday, August 27, 2020
Falstaff :: essays research papers
Sentimentalism, as expressed in the American Heritage Electronic Dictionary is, "An masterful and scholarly development starting in Europe in the late eighteenth century and described by an increased enthusiasm for nature, accentuation on the person's demeanor of feeling and creative mind, takeoff from the mentalities and types of elegance, and defiance to built up social guidelines and conventions." Falstaff is the perfect sentimental character. In an article composed by Harry T. Bread cook named, "The Two Falstaffs" Baker composes against all the pundits who guarantee that the Falstaff from Henry IV parts I and II is an alternate character then the Falstaff in The Merry Wives of Windsor. He accepts that, "although, as the pundits proclaim, Falstaff isn't himself, this is expected to the [change in] circumstance, not to the irregularity of character portrayal." In Henry IV parts I and II we consider Falstaff to be the sentimental character that is expressed in the definition above, opposing everything that the Classical character, Prince Hal, represents and accepts.. He will not pay attention to life. He accepts that "War is as a very remarkable joke to him as a drinking session at the Boar's Head." He utilizes individuals exclusively for his own motivations, either for cash or for food and drink. He is discourteous and unrefined to each one of people around him and is perhaps the best liar who persistently gets trapped in his untruths however makes new ones to cover for the old bombed ones. However Baker expresses that, "His good judgment and briskness of answer are consistently amazing; his impudence is practically wonderful. However the man in this manner degenerate, in this manner disgusting, makes himself important to the ruler that scorns him, by the most satisfying all things considered, unending mirth. Fal staff makes around his substantial mass a kind of Utopia which liberates us incidentally from the concerns and inconveniences of the real world. What does it make a difference that Falstaff mocks valor, respect, truth-telling, and grit in fight? He isn't to be taken seriously...he is a completely funny character." Toward the finish of Henry IV part II we can perceive what befalls Falstaff when he is encircled by the real world, he is found napping and is strange. Bread cook expresses that when Falstaff is snare with the real factors of life "he can't shine." We see this first at the royal celebration of Hal, when his companion in fiendishness, when Falstaff is told, gruffly by Hal that " I know thee not, elderly person.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Spastic Cerebral Palsy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Spastic Cerebral Palsy - Research Paper Example This may incorporate either standard or custom curriculum framework. Moreover, the sort of educational system will be subject to the requirements of the youngster. The reason for this paper is to characterize the confusion by talking about various measurements that are related to it and the training framework. Meaning of the Cerebral Palsy issue According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), Cerebral Palsy issue is a sort of neurological issue that shows in the earliest stages and youth, enduringly influencing body capacities and muscle mastery, for example, moving appendages. This kind of turmoil doesn't deteriorate extra time, however the conditions stay relative the equivalent. The name Cerebral Palsy is inferred structure some portion of the cerebrum that is influenced, which is the cerebral cortex that is straightforwardly worried about engine and muscle development. Then again, paralysis is a clinical term that alludes to the loss of engine wo rk (NINDS Website). In this manner, Spastic Cerebral Palsy is the sort that makes at least one gatherings of muscles fix, along these lines restricting physical developments. This sort of condition renders youngsters unequipped for successfully controlling their developments, for example, moving starting with one area then onto the next of holding things. Causes According to the NINDS, a variety of looks into did by NINDS researchers give a comprehension to the occasions that are suspected to cause and lead to Spastic Cerebral Palsy Disorder (SCPD). The accompanying makes account over 90% though the rest of the rate is related to birth inconveniences, for example, asphyxia (hardship of oxygen). To begin with, NINDS and different investigates demonstrate that injury to the brain’s white issue may prompt SCPD. When the brain’s white issue is harmed, it makes it hard for the mind to impart signs to the whole of the body, given this is its essential capacity (white issue). Besides, when the mind of a baby or youngster grows unusually, it presents the kid the potential danger of getting SCPD. Interruption to the typical development of a baby cerebrum, for example, hereditary transformation and conditions, for example, contaminations and injuries among others can cause SCPD. In conclusion, seeping in the cerebrum because of breaking of veins, which are brought about by outer powers during the early long stretches of a youngster, can prompt SCPD. This draining may end weakening the cerebral cortex, in this way influencing the engine work a youngster. Predominance As expressed before, SCPD is the most well-known kind of cerebral paralysis and is aimless of social-monetary status, race or sex. Nonetheless, different examinations and looks into, for example, the one done by the Institute of Health Science in England in the 1970’s and 1980’s demonstrate that the pace of predominance is higher among the kids who weigh under 1.5 kilograms. This exploration was led in Europe among 14 focuses in13 land locales. A comparable report led in 1970’s and 1980’s in Atlanta by Winter et al (2002), show that the predominance rate was high among babies with under 1.5 kg, in spite of the fact that, inside a similar period, there was high increment of SCP cases among the ordinary gauged youngsters. Hence, these examines infer that SCPD is predominant among babies and all the more uncommonly the individuals who are low weight of under 1.5kg.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay Samples - A Simple Way For Students to Learn Writing Styles
Essay Samples - A Simple Way For Students to Learn Writing StylesStudents need to do some research into the samples of essay drafts to learn from it. When students see an essay that they have written with only one particular writing style and then check the language of it, they may get ideas of how to rewrite that essay. By examining the examples of essay drafts, students will get a better understanding of what to write for writing assignments, as well as develop skills for developing persuasive writing skills.There are a number of websites that offer essays samples. Students can read these and check if they agree with what they find. This is a good way for students to think about which writing style would be best for the essay to be written in.Many of the writing styles do not follow the rules of grammar. Therefore, students can study a sample essay and see which style would work better. They also have a way to compare the writing style to a more standard style. Some students also d o this when they are doing research and find a research paper that they like but would not necessarily send it to their college English department.A good example of a sample essay is an essay that uses a non-standard writing style. If there is no standard rule for a style, it is best to choose one. Writing non-standard styles that are acceptable is how these essays are used and how students learn more about the writing style.Because of the Internet, students have the opportunity to learn about writing styles without having to attend a seminar. The Internet has made it easy for people to communicate. Students are able to learn writing style and skills from other people. These are opportunities that cannot be found at many schools.Other essay samples of essay draft can be found in class. Students should speak to a professor if they have aquestion about a certain style of writing. When students speak to someone who specializes in writing skills, they will have ideas on how to research topics for essays.Students who want to improve their writing should focus on writing skills. They should do a little research and see if they can learn a new writing style. By writing essays with a style that is different, they will be showing that they know how to write in a different way. In order to get better results in their writing, they will be learning about writing styles and how to write essays for college.Students should learn how to write for essays and how to communicate the ideas to readers. By studying essays samples, they will get ideas on how to do this. They can also read the styles of various writers and see which style they are most comfortable with.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Euthanasia Is Not Morally Wrong - 1528 Words
Warren believes that failure to meet any of her criteria means that killing the person who fails the five point personhood test is not morally wrong, regardless of how or why someone would choose to do so. I find an objection to Warren’s view because it is absurd and it could lead to controversial actions on behalf of her view’s followers. In most, if not all cases, of nonvoluntary active euthanasia the doctor who performs the euthanasia is charged with murder. This is because almost every country in the world has made nonvoluntary active euthanasia, where a patient wishes not to die but is euthanized anyway, illegal. Despite that, there could be cases in Warren’s view that would make it so the act of nonvoluntary active euthanasia is not morally wrong, and the results of her view could be very controversial. One case is where a patient is found to be in a coma or a persistent vegetative state (PVS) and they wish not to die. When a person is in one of these state s they meet none the criteria put forth by Warren, and in her view this would make it morally acceptable to actively euthanize this patient. Not only that, but because the patients are not members of the moral community there is no wrong in killing them, and even worse, any way of actively euthanizing them is acceptable. Therefore, her extreme view can cause those who believe her views to think in the same way. Adopting Warren’s view on nonvoluntary euthanasia could end badly if the person decides to act on it. AnShow MoreRelatedEuthanasia Is Morally Wrong? Essay1626 Words  | 7 Pageschosen to research deal with euthanasia and specifically how euthanasia is morally wrong. The first article, by Claire Chretien of Life Site News (2016), talks about a new documentary that was recently released that details the true horrors and deceptions of euthanasia; specifically, the Belgium laws where it has been legal to perform euthanasia and physician assisted suicide for about 15 ye ars. This article’s main points are that, according to the documentary, euthanasia is â€Å"’falsely promoted as compassionRead MoreEuthanasia Is Morally Right Or Wrong?1740 Words  | 7 Pagesdispensable, we will have crossed a rubicon†(unknown) Currently, there is many conflicting opinions of whether euthanasia is morally right or wrong in society. This act of euthanasia is used on patients to end their suffering of terminal illnesses. It is sometimes requested but also, being that there is multiple types such as voluntary, involuntary, Nonvoluntary, active, and passive euthanasia, in some cases is given without the patient’s actual request and consent. In some ways, it has seemed to becomeRead MoreEssay Euthanasia is Morally Wrong2415 Words  | 10 PagesAccording to Webster’s Dictionary, Euthanasia is â€Å"conceding painless death to a patient who is considered to be hopelessly ill, because of a non-curable disease†. The term is used to refer to the act of deliberately taking the life of a sick person, especially those who are sick from terminal illnesses. Patients in this category are normally those who are nearing their death from a persistent terminal illness and medicine does not to have mu ch effect on them. Different scholars hold different opinionsRead MoreWhat Makes A Human Being A Person?937 Words  | 4 Pagesa role in what is morally right and wrong. In today’s society there are many opinions on what is considered morally right and wrong. For many people some subjects tend to be a grey area for them and they struggle to explain why something is wrong or right. One of those subjects is Bioethical issues and whether or not they are morally right or wrong. One of the small topics of Bioethical issues is euthanasia and whether or not it is okay for anyone to partake in it. Euthanasia is the act of eitherRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legalized?907 Words  | 4 Pagesactive euthanasia, which is a highly contentious issue in the United States. Voluntary active euthanasia is currently illegal in the United States. However, I believe that patients with terminal illnesses experiencing a lot of pain and misery should have the right to die the way they choose, with dignity, instead of being subjected to agony. People should be able to choose voluntary active euthanasia, if ever need be, which is why I believe that despite current policy, voluntary active euthanasia shouldRead MoreThe And Passive Euthanasi Active And Non Voluntary1368 Words  | 6 PagesThis is the definition of euthanasia provided by the Oxford English dictionary, but euthanasia is an issue encompassing much more controversy than just whether killing is right or wrong. Euthanasia can be voluntary or non voluntary yet it can also be active and passive, I will be arguing whether or not there is a distinction between these two and if so whether that distinction is morally significant. I will begin by defining active and passive euthanasia: active euthanasia is where a medical professionalRead MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide1236 Words  | 5 PagesOxford English Dictionary, â€Å"euthanasia†is defined as â€Å"the means of bringing a gentle and easy death†(â€Å"euthanasia†def. 2). Today, euthanasia is a method used in the medical field to put an end to a patient’s agony by taking their life for them, making it a very controversial topic. Many people argue that it is morally wrong to take a human life, and others may argue that it is even more wrong to make someone suffer more than they need to. I will argue that euthanasia and physician-assisted suicideRead MoreEuthanasia Is The Meaning Of Good Death1215 Words  | 5 PagesEuthanasia has the meaning of â€Å"good death†. Is there really such a thing as someone having a good death? The controversy behind this is active euthanasia is morally wrong. Active euthanasia is usually done to patients who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and is a way to have an instant death instead of prolonging life. There are some places where euthanasia is already legally admissible, but people are having thought of making this act of killing legal throughout the country. I shallRead MoreVoluntary Active Euthanasia Essay1010 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is morally permissible? Voluntary Active Euthanasia is a controversial subject, Does one have the right to end their own life? According to Peter Singer in â€Å"Voluntary Euthanasia: A utilitarian Perspective,†Voluntary Active Euthanasia is morally permissible under certain circumstances. If and only if certain requirements are met by certain parties can the process of voluntary active euthanasia be completed. Certain situations where Voluntary Active Euthanasia is morally permissible include;Read MoreThe Wrongfulness Of Euthanasia By J. Gay Williams1473 Words  | 6 Pagespiece â€Å"The Wrongfulness of Euthanasia†, he begins by asserting that euthanasia is gaining popularity within our society, then defines euthanasia, and finally offers retributions as to why euthanasia is neither morally nor practically right. According to Gay-Williams, â€Å"euthanasia is intentionally taking the life of a presumably hopeless person†(Gay-Williams 1979, 278). Based off aspects of his definition, Gay-Williams formats his three main arguments against active euthanasia which stem from nature,
Friday, May 15, 2020
Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois Common Goal of...
Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois Common Goal of Equality for African Americans The United States societal system during the 19th century was saturated with a legacy of discrimination based upon race. Cultivating a humanitarian approach, progressive intellectuals ushered in an era of societal reconstruction with the intention to establish primary equalities on the pervasive argument of human race. The experiment poised the United States for rebellion and lasting ramifications. The instantaneous repercussions for both races evolving from the emancipation of African-Americans were plainly stated by the daughter of a Georgia planter in the summer of 1865: There are sad changes in store for both races (Nash 469). The long-term†¦show more content†¦The Reconstruction of the United States was an experiment in interracial democracy. The Civil War victory by the North brought to a close the establishment of slavery but, in turn, opened Pandoras box. The questions and answers pertaining to economical, political, and social equality for freedmen had yet to be add ressed on a practical level. The Southern states, still bitter from defeat and economic stresses, strongly rejected the societal transformations thrust upon them. The Northern states focal point remained on the necessary political powers by which to enact constitutional amendments, therefore empowering the federal government with the capabilities to enforce the principles of equal rights. On paper, slavery was abolished, but in reality, African-Americans were once again enslaved on a ship without the security or knowledge of what the next port held for them. The Civil War had not truly ended. It was still active under the guise of Reconstruction, but now coats and flags of many colors existed, and battles were merely fought on alternate battlefields. A war of ideas lacking in substantial practicality resulted in repetitious battles being won and loss. The motivating forces that set Reconstruction into motion were for the most part the Norths quest for unification among states, and t he emancipation of slaves. However, the primary objective of Reconstruction was to grant political, economical, and social opportunities for the freedmen. TheShow MoreRelatedBooker T. Washington : The First Leader Of The Civil Rights Movement933 Words  | 4 Pages Booker T. Washington was the first leader of the civil rights’ movement. All African Americans looked to him for advice on how to overcome their current situation. However, as time moved on, W.E.B. DuBois became his opponent. A person would think that Washington and DuBois would have worked together for a common goal, but this was not the case. Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois both strived for equality and justice for the African American race. However, these two had very different ways toRead MoreDebate between booker T and dubois872 Words  | 4 Pages Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois Debate The debate between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois turned out to be one of the greatest intellectual as well as inspiring battles in our United States history. This great debate sparked the interest of African Americans and whites throughout the entire country. Both men had distinct views on how blacks should go about progressing politically, socially, as well as financially here in the United States. Both Du Bois and Washington wanted African-AmericansRead MoreBooker T Washington Vs Dubois Essay702 Words  | 3 PagesThe Differences and Similarities Between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois Two men with the same goals but different views on how they should be achieved is exactly how Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois’ controversy should be described as. Their debate revolved around the idea of abolishing slavery as well as paving the way for the modernized Civil Rights Act in America to take place. Washington and DuBois were born in the same time period with the same intentions, yet had different methodsRead MoreBooker T. Washington Vs. Theu.s. B. Dubois : The Discussion Of Conformity910 Words  | 4 PagesBooker T. Washington vs W.E.B. Dubois: the discussion of conformity At the early turn of the 20th Century United States, there was a large debate about how the average American viewed African Americans or Negroes. As a result, white consensus geared toward putting Africans in a type of caste system, where they would consider below whites, women, and immigrants. By this point, most African Americans were just conforming to this way of life and did not seek to change this. While this occurred, manyRead MoreBooker T Washington And William Edward Burghardt Du Bois894 Words  | 4 Pagesdistinguished African American leaders, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois arose to accomplish one goal, education for all African Americans. throughout the turn of the century, between the years 1895 and 1915 there have been several theories on how African Americans were about to attain first-class citizenship. With 2 separate views on a way to accomplish this goal, the African American community was split in half on who to support. where as Booker T. Washington believedRead MoreBooker T Washington Vs W. E. B De Dubois Essay1445 Words  | 6 Pages Both think so different but fight for the same thing? How can two people that our similar but at the time have different ways of life come together to achieve the same goal?Imagine 30 years after slavery ended you because of the color of your skin are still being mistreated. During the time of Booker and W.E.B the Jim crow law was created to segregate blacks and whites. Because of the segregation blacks had their own society like community only dealing with each other. Blacks were separated fromRead MoreThe Clash Of Two Great Minds Essay1447 Words  | 6 PagesVinci and of course Booker T. Washington vs. W.E.B Du bois. Although both different ideologies, they were both trying to reach the same goal, equality. Although Washington was more economics based and Dubois was more ideology based they both wanted the same outcome, however Dubois approach seems more practical but both have successes and failures, and can be learned from today. The main argument of Booker T. Washington is that he wanted more of an economic approach to equality. In the article publishedRead MoreA Comparison Of Booker T Washington And W. E. De Dubois1532 Words  | 7 Pages Both think so different but fight for the same thing? How can two people that our similar but at the time have different ways of life come together to achieve the same goal?Imagine 30 years after slavery ended you because of the color of your skin are still being mistreated. During the time of Booker and W.E.B the Jim crow law was created to segregate blacks and whites. Because of the segregation blacks had their own society like community only dealing with each other. Blacks were separatedRead MoreAfrican Americans Had A Tough Time Being Socially Accepted1872 Words  | 8 PagesAfrican Americans had a tough time being socially accepted in America from the time they were brought on slave ships in the 1600’s. African Americans worked for slave owners following their every command whether it was picking cotton in the fields, cooking for the slave owners families or any demeaning tasks. Slavery took place until President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation January 1, 1863 which declared â€Å"that all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are and henceforthRead MoreWashington and Dubois662 Words  | 3 Pages| 1.4.5 Practice: Washington and DuBois | Practice Assignment | | | | | U.S. History Sem 2 (S3346986) | Garibalde Nunez | | | Points possible: 30 | Date: ______4/22/16______ | | Your Assignment 1. Charts like this one are a great way to compare and contrast. Use this chart to list the strategies of Booker T. Washington (that he did not share with Du Bois) on one side, the strategies of W. E. B. Du Bois (that he did not share with Washington) on the other, and the strategies
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gay Marriage Essay - 1517 Words
Agreeing with other people lifestyles can be difficult. For example, some people cannot agree to homosexual marriages; on the other hand, others can agree to live with homosexual marriages. As published in, the article â€Å"Gay Marriage†enlists pros of homosexual marriages. In addition, homosexual marriages bring forth benefits to the economy, and their lives are harmless to society. Therefore, homosexual marriages should be entitled to live happy, legal lives. Rejecting certain groups the alternative to marrying is discrimination amongst themselves which forms second-class citizens. For years, we have fought against discrimination, but fighting for impartiality has not changed the circumstance. For example, the article â€Å"Gay†¦show more content†¦In other words, if homosexual couples were allowed the same benefits as homosexual couples the economy will become more stable. Heterosexual couples could bring in a lot of money if they were offered the same benefits the homosexual receives. In addition, people cannot grasp the evolution of marriage. Traditional marriages have changed periodically; therefore, marriages are not considered traditional. For instance, the article â€Å"Gay Marriage†explains â€Å"Official unions between same-sex couples, indistinguishable from marriages except for gender, are believed †¦ to have been common until the 13th century in many countries†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( Therefore, heterosexual marriages have been around unexplainably for quite a while. In addition, there could not be a meaning of â€Å"traditional†marriage. All marriages are different from others. For example, some marriages are interracial marriages, and others are open marriages. Therefore, Heterosexual marriages could be no different from a â€Å"traditional†marriage. People make same-sex marriages out to be a negative effect. Traditional marriages, open marriages, or heterosexual marriages do not matter because they all have the same love connection between each other. Positively, Homosexual marriages are protected by the US Constitution. Therefore, people cannot judge or hate homosexual marriages. The article â€Å"GayShow MoreRelatedEssay on Gay Marriage 1616 Words  | 7 Pages Gay marriage is a very talked about topic in are country that shouldn’t be ignored. I believe men and women should be able to love freely and not be shamed by it. Marriage is a great factor in the United States. To some people it’s what we live for; is to get married and start a family. To not give everyone the same opportunity to have a happy marriage and family is unlike us. This problem is bringing a lot of hate, the same hate that was used in racial discrimination so why not give gays equalRead MoreArgumentative Essay on Gay Marriage842 Words  | 3 Pages Grammar and Composition lesson 75 Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage Marriage is the ceremonial binding of two people, male and female, into one couple. Historically, marriage has been the institution when a man and a woman join together with the promise of love, devotion, to always stay together, to be there for each other, to take care of one another and to start a family together. Biblically, marriage has been all the aspects above, but including honoring, loving andRead More Gay Marriage Essay1308 Words  | 6 Pageshousing, jobs, public accommodations, and should have equal access to government benefits, equal protection of the law, and other rights granted to US citizens. However, when the topic of marriage arises, all the talk of equality ceases. Over fifty percent of all people in the United States oppose homosexual marriage, despite the fact that most are otherwise supportive of homosexual rights. This means that many of the same people who are even passionately in favor of homosexual rights oppose homosexualsRead MoreGay Marriage Mom ent Essay951 Words  | 4 PagesGay Marriage Moment Gay marriage should be allowed nobody is perfect. In this world we all have the ability to love somebody. We shouldn’t judge others, all of us are human beings just because we don’t like a man or women of our kind. Each one of us that are homosexuals or lesbians or gays. Doesn’t mean that we can’t have the same things as men and women some people believe that same sex marriage is against their morals and their religious won’t accept it. Gay marriage should be allowed because theRead MoreGay Marriage Essay977 Words  | 4 PagesHomosexual Marriage and Equalityp In the midst of war and economy decline, Americans are being thrown a curveball that may change the way of their culture is forever; the idea of legalizing homosexual marriage. Frankly speaking, this idea was once new, strange, and deemed unnatural and it is now one of the biggest social controversies in our country. However, United States was built on the idea of federalism; the separation of power between federal and state government along with ideas of civilRead MoreEssay on Gay Marriage1455 Words  | 6 Pagesright: homosexuality. The marital rights of gay couples are violated every day because of the fear of the destruction of marriage and religious condemnation of homosexuals; however, many people are trying to get gay marriage legalized. The marital rights of gay couples are violated every day. Thousands of people are affected by same-sex marriage bans worldwide. The most widely approved estimate is that one in twenty people is homosexual (â€Å"Do Ask, Do Tell; Gay Statistics†1). This would mean that 5%Read MoreGay Marriage Essay1744 Words  | 7 Pages 02/02/2012 Legalizing same-sex marriage has been a debate going on for quite some time. The recognition of such marriages is a civil rights, political, social, moral, and religious issue in many nations. Since 2001, ten countries have begun allowing same-sex couples to marry nationwide. In the United States the federal government does not recognize same-sex marriage, but such marriages are recognized by some individual states. Proposition 8 in November 2008Read MoreEssay on Gay Marriage1657 Words  | 7 PagesMarriage is the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of two people to live as a married couple. Marriage should not be based on what others think. When people get married in a heterosexual union, they do it for their own happiness, not for the happiness of others. Gay marriage is the same way. Homosexuality has always been around and will continue to exist. Why should homosexuals be denied the rights of heterosexuals? No one has the right to say that homosexuals can not marryRead MoreGay Marriage Essay1335 Words  | 6 PagesGay Marriage People should be able to marry whomever they want and they shouldnt have the fear to be judged and have the same rights of everybody else becasue they are people just like us. Gay marriage has affected the country in many ways. It was legalized just two years ago by the Supreme Court ruling it ( I chose this topic because people should do what they want and marry who they want so they have the same rights as everybody else. There was 14 states that did not allowRead MoreEssay on Gay marriage827 Words  | 4 Pages Critical Review - Gay Marriage â€Å"Unnatural†Sheldon L, 1996, Gay Marriage â€Å"Unnatural†, USA Today, USA. Homosexual marriage is one of the old but controversial issues around the world. Compared to the past, it seems to become a more open debate among people. At the same time, people seem to be more swayable than before, but towards the gay marriage, different voices have still been hovering in the air. Gay people and their supporters have been striving for their rights to get married legally, while
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Disruptive Innovation for Teclo Company Case Study- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theDisruptive Innovation for Teclo Company Case Study. Answer: Introduction There has been an increased recognition of disruptive innovations and their ability to create massive development. However, despite of these recognitions, their high rate of failure demands research on the type of challenges incumbent pursuing disruptive technology encounter and how the challenges can be dealt with. According to Clayton Christensen, disruptive technology refers to the method through which a good or a services takes root at the bottom of the market through the use of simple application, then constantly moves up the market, ultimately displacing the existing competitors (Adams, 2016). This article presents primary analysis of a traditional longitudinal case study of the Swedish-Finnish of Telcos which is the incumbent, in relation to disruptive change. Due to technical change Telcos company has effectively transferred its technology Telecom operator TeliaSonera AB in accordance with technological and business model change. Through, the application of the business model adaptions the company has been active but unsuccessful in the key business model changes, although it has been performing well in insignificant business model changes. The implication is that the idea of business model as such has a low prediction power in elaborating failure and success, hence demanding for an operationalization. Currently, Telecom is amongst the industries that has faced a constant stream of both business model and technical discontinuities (Reza Samavi, 2008). Telecommunication as a communication sector is paradoxical. This industry at a given time can be regarded as mature as well as an emerging industry where new business foundation and new technologies converge. For instance, Apple established an enlacement of handset and content by introducing iPhone in 2007. Skype re-defined video call and long-distance market (Unhelkhar, 2010). Even though, former market leaders have brutally suffered, incumbents multinational operators have witnessed their margins deteriorate despite enormous cost-cutting efforts which has seen Nokia a leading terminal manufacturer nearly being wiped out. Teclo focusses on high end market with an aim of improving its wired voice services through the provision of products with new elements and high performance for its target market. Through the application of Mintzbergs business strategy concept, Telco goes by a positioning strategy and distinguishes itself from its challengers with its skilled management and provision of good quality picture positions (Hannes Kuebel, 2014). Through, the occupation of this market position, Teclo has the benefit of enjoying hogh profits as compared to its competitors in its contemporary business model. Suddenly, Cellco a new entrant in the market, starts providing similar services. Christensen et al. says this invention was a disturbance from a technical perspective (Adams, 2016). The disruptive offered the capability of making calls with added accessibility, although at that particular period the wireless voice quality when contrasted with the wired alternates was quite low and the battery lifespan was inadequate. The disruptive technology targeted the lower market generally overlooked by the incumbents, hence threatening to replace it (Hannes Kuebel, 2014). The wireless services provided by Cellco was disturbing in that it could take over the wired voice services or completely make Teclo lose the market share significantly. Essentially, in positioning approach, any company presume that there is always a position in the economic market place for any particular industry or business. A company that is occupying that particular position always defends itself from the current and future competitors. To respond to the change, the senior managers of Telco are required to comprehend and examine the challenge that has occurred in the marketplace. Business respond to the changes in the market based on their present strategies hence it is of great essence that Teclo reacts to the wireless technical change (Reza Samavi, 2008). Cellco the new entrant, initiated its own business strategy and model. The company aimed at increasing its market share one step at a time. Cellco chose to established its own private network, even though it could have asked Telco to share its infrastructure. Teclo has to respond to the changes rapidly while maintaining its existing business. Therefore, Teclo strategists will have to change the value alignment of their business model from a joint process to a modular process (Matti Kaulio). Unlike the joint process where Teclo has private rights to the entire chain value, segmental process will allow the company to be able to upgrade its product through improving each subsection of the system instead of redesigning the whole system (Matti Kaulio). Today, the disruptive business approaches and models are the ones that deal with e-commerce enterprises. Business Modeling Ontology The methods of modeling are extensively applied in analyzing and designing e-commerce information systems. The ontologies of these models basically comprise of systems like workflows and activities, operations and transformations, relationships and information entities, data flows and value exchanges (Alexander Osterwalder). With an aim of strategic reasoning regarding disruptive change and business models, Teclo requires an ontology that will handle strategic actors. Therefore, the company will have to develop SBMO (strategic business modeling ontology) by applying the i* strategic performers relationship modeling structure as a foundation. The ontology will be supported with a graphical visual illustration. The establishment of an SBMO will create a mutual recognition of the ideas that are required so as to enhance exchange pf information among shareholders. The i* agent-oriented modeling structure offers support through the representation of participants and the various goals and responsibilities in the business, their tactical relationships and the basis behind their strategic selections. The main concept in i* is the strategic player. The strategic player has beliefs and aims, has freedom of action(semi-autonomous), the actors actions are allowed and controlled by the other actors relationship(social). The strategic actor also has boundaries and contingent identity and thinks about its strategic choices rationally in regard to its self-interest. The purpose of strategic modeling is to determine the needs of various actors and how those needs can be achieved (Osterwalder, 2004). SBMO offers i*modelling with added concepts that are required for strategic business reasoning. The additional concepts include state of the business model, strategy layer, business model dynamics and operational layer. Conclusion For any company to obtain distinguished competitive advantage, technical innovation goes hand in hand with BMI, which enhances the establishment of new industries. With the new competitor in the market it is important for Teclo company to launch a business model. Business models are objects of technological innovation, the more fundamental the change in the BM features is, the more revolutionary the resultant BM.Business model innovation changes multiple features of BM, which in turn changes the entire business logic in strategizing on how to counterattack the challenger leading to a vibrant and successful business. References Adams, S. (2016, 103). Clayton Christensen On What He Got Wrong About Disruptive Innovation. Retrieved from Alexander Osterwalder, C. P. (n.d.). Setting up an ontology of business models . Lausanne: University of Lausanne, Ecole des HEC. Retrieved from Hannes Kuebel, R. Z. (2014). Evaluating Platform Business Models in the Telecommunications Industry via Framework-based Case Studies of Cloud and Smart Home Service Platforms. Berlin: University of Berlin. Matti Kaulio, K. T. (n.d.). Incumbent Response to Disruptive Innovation: The Case of the Swedish-Finnish Telecom Operator Teliasonera Ab. Sweden: KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Osterwalder, A. (2004). The business model ontology a proposition in a design science approach. Retrieved from Reza Samavi, E. Y. (2008). Applying Strategic Business Modeling to Understand Disruptive Innovation. University of Toronto , Toronto, USA. Unhelkhar, B. (2010). Handbook of Research on Green ICT: Technology, business and social persepective. Sydeny: University if Western Sydeny and Methodscience.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Napoleon of animal farm free essay sample
Animal Farm written by Orwell is a satire of communism. Throughout the book one can see the true effects that communism has on people, and not the covered up communism that is displayed to the world. One of the lead characters in animal farm is Napoleon. Napoleon is a Berkshire boar who eventually becomes the leader of the farm. Napoleon is also a representation of Josef Stalin. Through napoleons life one can see that true communism is cruel, inhuman, and capable of any dastardly deed. Napoleon is a cruel, conniving pig. Napoleon doesn’t play much of a role in the initial rebellion. After the dust settles he trains nine dogs (the KGB) to chase away his rival Snowball from power. Snowball was more popular than Napoleon so napoleon had to create a secret weapon to keep him in check. When the dogs return to him after they chased snowball off, â€Å"It was noticed that they wagged their tails to him in the same way as the other dogs had been used to do to Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Napoleon of animal farm or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Jones. †(53)The dogs served as napoleons secret police eventually assassinating snowball. He sets himself up in a position that no one could touch. He â€Å"Spent all his time in the farmhouse, which was guarded at each door by fierce-looking dogs. †(55) As soon as he moves to power, it becomes clear that he has very little interest in Old Major’s prophecy. Napoleon doesn’t care if all animals are equal or if they control the means of production. Napoleon was a greedy pig that wanted more that he already had and he was willing to do almost anything to get more. When the harvest started to fail Napoleon decides to fill the granaries with sand to hide the smaller harvest. He did this to show how great his system worked, but Animal Farm’s productivity slumped off. We can see that napoleon was a cruel, conniving pig that would stop at nothing to get his way. Napoleon is inhuman to the other animals. Napoleon squashes the hen rebellion by cutting off their food rations, causing a number of hens to die of starvation. Then Napoleon demands that various animals come forward and make false confessions before the group. He gets rid of anyone contradicts him. After he reveals them as traitors, â€Å"the dogs promptly tore their throats out. In this way, Napoleon takes out the four pigs who sometimes disagreed with him, and the hens who acted as ringleaders in the rebellion. Napoleon, like Stalin, had a â€Å"Great Purge†discrediting and killing any that opposed him. â€Å"And so the tale of confessions and executions went on, until there was a pile of corpses lying before Napoleon’s feet and the air was heavy with the smell of blood, which had been unknown there since the time of Jones. †(84) Napoleon was capable of any dastardly deed. To make sure he is untouchable Napoleon would protects himself on all fronts. With the help of Squealer and the other pigs, he re-wrote history, turning Snowball into a villain, and increasing his own role in the Rebellion, without showing the truth behind the story. He used his political power to essentially re-write Russian history, giving himself a much larger role in the revolution than he had actually played. He relied on the stronger animals, like Boxer and Benjamin to influence the others. If anyone questioned him, he had sheep chant loudly over their protests. At the same time, napoleon kept tight control over the media. He made statues and paintings of himself so the children would have to see him. When he was questioned about disobeying his own rules he has Squealer explain that they were only doing it to, â€Å"Carry out our duties†. (67) Whether or not Napoleon’s the most intelligent pig on the farm, we know that he’s certainly the most cunning. By the end of the novel, Animal Farm is run according to Napoleon’s will. Through napoleons life one can see the true heart of communism and the effect that it has on millions of lives. By looking at Napoleons life one can see that true communism is cruel, inhuman, and capable of any dastardly deed.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
CONSTITUTIONAL POSITION PAPER essays At the heart of this argument, the issue is weather or not the founding fathers were thinking of themselves, or of others when the constitution was written. That is basically what it comes down to when the problem is watered down. John Roche, the one who believes that the founding fathers were incredible democratic reformers says yes, whiles Alfred Young says now and believes that the founding fathers were nothing more than a group of elite merchants, lawyers, and slave holders that were forced into creating a fair document that could be used by all. I personally believe that both of them make good points but I believe that I am inclined to lean to John Roches side. For if the founding fathers were forced into creating something fair that they personally could prosper for, then they would not have had to go to such great extents to create the constitution. I agree with John Roche on several parts, including that the founding fathers were the most superb reformers of their time. Not only that, they were committed to working for and within a democratic framework. For if these men were not committed to working for the people, they would not have stood out like they did during the revolutionary war. If you look at any bit of the time during and before the war, when the British were passing all of those impossibly unfair laws against the colonists to extort them, you will see nearly all of the names that signed the constitution, and the Declaration of Independence, stand out constantly. My second point, yes, Alfred Young is right and the founding fathers were generally a part of an Elite group of well-educated lawyers, and merchants. But let us face it, would you want dumb common farmers writing a constitution that would be shaping a nation? These men were rich, yes, but they were also selfless. They were risking their fortunes during the war to fight for equality. Were they just looking to profit for themselves, they mainly wo...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Mormonism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mormonism - Essay Example Mormonism Later Day Saint Movement (LDS) or simply Mormonism is a Christian religious group founded by Joseph Smith. Smith claimed himself to be the God’s advocate through whom the Church would be re-established, because according to Smith, all other Churches had gone astray. Smith also claimed that he had several visions from God and that was the cause why he proposed to undertake this new mission. The cult, which claims to be the true church of Jesus Christ, has its own distinctive beliefs and texts different from those of Catholicism and Protestantism. The movement emerged during 1820s in America and gained popularity over the next few decades though later got split into new rather small denominations. According to the LDS statistical report (as cited in BBC Religion), the group has ‘13.5 million members world-wide’. Mormons’ belief about God is very much different from those of other Christian denominations. According to their doctrine, God is an exalte d man who has a physical body like any other human being. Even the human beings have the potential to attain this stature in afterlife. As described in the book of Gruss and Thuet What Every Mormon (And Non-mormon) Should Know, Mormon’s God consists of three distinct beings- collectively called Godhead- who are united in purpose, love and will (281-282). Among these three beings, God the Father is the all knowing Supreme Being named Elohim who created the whole world, for he has the absolute wisdom. The second being of the Godhead is Jesus Christ, who according to the Mormons, showed the perfect way of human life; and he is the first-born spirit child and biological child of the Father, and by whom Father performed the creation of the world (Gruss & Thuet 283). The creation is a process that is very similar to the act of a craftsman, for he did not create anything out of vacuum but perfectly organized already existing materials. Again, the Father himself is an exalted human w ho might have lived in another planet once, and who gained ultimate wisdom by closely adhering to the rules of his God. Jehovah, the God in the Old Testament referred to Jesus who later taught his disciples to live tighter for the common goal. Jesus died, got buried, and resurrected. Mormons’ Christ owns a physical body which neither limits his holiness nor prevents him from being God (BBC Religions). The third being that is Holy Spirit also is a unique being like Elohim and Jesus Christ. The only difference is that he is spirit and has no body, but at the same time resembles man. Unlike other Christian doctrines, mormons’ Holy Spirit is not omnipresent. Although He can be present only at one place at a time, his power is so intense that spreads across the whole universe in no time. Holy Ghost is the being that inspires people to obey God the Father and the Son. All Godly experiences, ‘love, comfort, and affection’ are being transmitted through the Holy Gh ost (BBC Religions). With regard to spiritual life, Mormons give higher emphasis to sustainable growth in knowledge and understanding, which is only possible through ongoing scripture study and personal preparation. Like any other forms of belief, LDS also maintains temples and priesthood which play central roles in their ceremonies. The ceremonies, normally termed as ‘ordinances and covenants’ can be performed only in temples by a proper authority- priest. Among such ceremonies, endowment and eternal marriage are important. During endowment, one promises that one would lead a righteous life by closely following the God’s Commandments. Marriage is not a simple one-time event; instead it lasts for ever once the couples enter eternal marriage, which is often termed as a sealing. Through this covenant, a family, including the children born and yet to be born, gets the blessings to be united for ever. LDS temples are the holy houses where Jesus Christ is expected to come and dwell. Mormons worship Jesus as the Son of God and Savior. Like almost all other Christian denominations,
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Paper about a speech Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
About a speech - Research Paper Example King claims that America has defaulted on this promiseâ€â€an example of logos within his speech. Furthermore, he uses pathos and logos to effectively appeal to the audiences. King’s repetition of the phrase â€Å"I have a dream†is intended to emphasize his dream of equality for African Americans. To that end, within his speech King incorporates metaphors and vivid imagery in the hopes that even a place like Mississippi, â€Å"a state sweltering with the heat of injustice †¦ [and] oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice†(2712). Martin Luther King, Jr. attended segregated schools in Georgia. In 1948, he received his Bachelor’s of Arts from Morehouse College. After study theology at the Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania, he enrolled at Boston University, where he received his doctorate. In Boston he met his wife, Coretta Scott. In 1954 King became the pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alaba ma. At this time he was a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). King was always an advocate of civil rights, and in December 1955 he became the leader of the first nonviolent Negro demonstration, the bus boycott in Montgomery that lasted 382 days.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Domestic monetary systems Essay Example for Free
Domestic monetary systems Essay With a population of 170 million, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is strategically located in South Asia, sharing borders with India to the East, China to the North East, Afghanistan to the North West and Iran to the West. To the south lies the Arabian Sea, this provides close proximity to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. The country is predominantly Muslim with a major portion of the population (65%) residing in the rural areas. Although significant progress has been made in recent years, the country still lags behind as far as social infrastructure and human development are concerned. (Bajwa, 1999) Structure of Government and Politics: The constitution of the country, promulgated in 1973, holds out the country as a parliamentary democracy with all powers vested in the parliament. However, for much of the past decade, Pakistan was run along the lines of a military dictatorship, with Parliament subservient to the President and vast powers vested in his self. After the gradual transfer of power to democratic forces following an election on the 18th of February, the resignation of General (Retd) Pervaiz Musharraf, and the election of Asif Ali Zardari as the new President, parliament is reviewing the balance of power between the Presidential Palace and the Parliament House and it is expected that, soon, the country would revert back to the old format of the President being a ceremonial Head of State and the Prime Minister running the country independently with Parliament backing. (Malik, 2001) At present, there is a coalition government in place that comprises the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). It is led by the President of the country, Asif Ali Zardari, who happens to be the widower of famed democratic leader Benazir Bhutto, assassinated by terrorist elements during an election rally in the city of Rawalpindi last year. Other coalition partners include the MQM (Muthaida Quami Movement translated as United National Movement) and the ANP (Awami National Party). The Opposition is deeply divided and primarily consists of the Pakistan Muslim League (Q) and the Pakistan Muslim League (N). The main political issues on the domestic front are, as mentioned above, the repealing of anti democratic laws enacted as part of the constitution by the outgoing military regime and the issue of the deposed judges of the supreme court that were sacked by the former military regime when they refused to remain puppets. Apart from this, there is the dire issue of reconciliation between neglected provinces. However, the inability of the new coalition government to actively address issues of popular appeal and an over indulgence in issues of power sharing and power consolidation lend it ever decreasing credibility in the eyes of the general public. Although the new government has been in power for almost an year, its performance has been dismal. The popular mandate of democracy that has shot the PPP and its coalition partners into power has not been implemented. The Prime Minister, Yousuf Reza Gillani, remains a puppet and the Presidential Palace remains the main power fort. Despite the fact that the opposition is ready to support the government on national issues, such as the reinstatement of deposed judges and the repealing of undemocratic laws, the government has so far shown quiet restraint to address these issues. Foreign Policy: â€Å"Pakistans foreign policy has been marked by a complex balancing processthe result of its history, religious heritage, and geographic position. The primary objective of that policy has been to preserve Pakistans territorial integrity and security, which have been in jeopardy since the states inception. †(US Library of Congress) The aforementioned paragraph adequately describes Pakistan’s foreign policy ever since it came on the map of the world in 1947. Being predominantly Muslim, the country finds itself sentimentally attached to the Islamic World, in particular the Middle East. A developing country, lacking skilled manpower and capital to exploit the wealth of natural resources that its lands have been bestowed with, the country’s foreign policy has had to take in account the economic impact that relations with other countries can have. Moreover, traditional enmity with the giant neighbor on its eastern borders (India) has forced it to make balancing measures with staying in the good books of China and supporting pro Pakistan elements in Afghanistan. (Bajwa, 1999) Pakistans foreign policy is deeply aligned with the United States goal of War on terror. After the September 11 attacks, Pakistan renounced terrorism and became a frontline state in the war against terrorism. The country is the main supply route to NATO forces stationed in Afghanistan and is a major non NATO US ally. Despite this close alignment with the United States, the country often finds itself in a tricky situation when it comes to its tribal belt bordering Afghanistan. These areas are largely unregulated since independence from the British in 1947, operate with full autonomy while pledging allegiance to Islamabad. Pakistan is blamed for â€Å"not doing enough†to quell terrorist incursions from these tribal areas. Tribes here are said to be providing safe havens to terrorist and Taliban elements with the theory that the top brass of Al Qaeda and the Taliban is hiding here. NATO led forces have made several air strikes in the area which Pakistan declares as encroachment on its sovereignty but takes little steps to discipline these tribal belts. Part of this inaction is based on the fact that a stable Afghanistan, aligned with India is not in the best interests of Pakistan. Traditional enmity with India over the Jammu Kashmir disputed territory has led the two countries to fight three full scale wars in 1948, 1965 1971 and one limited war in 1999. Pakistan perceives a pro Pakistan Afghan government or an unstable Afghanistan as a hedge against encirclement by India. It is this threat to its security that leads it to, introvert if not extrovertly, refrain from taking any drastic steps to quell those destabilizing elements in Afghanistan that originally emanate from its terrotiry. (Bajwa, 1999) On the economic front, Pakistan is primarily an exporter of textiles accounting to about 57% of the country’s exports. Prime markets are North America and Europe. Good relations are important with these two blocks of nations as they provide trade facilitation and, at the same time, help with soft loans and aid to help in social and economic development. Remittances also play an important part in the country’s balance of payments and a large amount of Pakistani’s work in the Middle East, Europe and America. The country’s foreign policy also has to take account of these factors. (Malik, 2001) Thus, to sum up, as implied earlier, the country’s foreign policy is driven by its perceived security threat, religious affiliation with the Islamic fraternity of nations and the dependence upon economic aid and facilitation by friendly countries. While the policy has been largely successful in maintaining the country’s territorial (if we exclude the secession of East Pakistan in 1971 due to Indian intervention) integrity and safeguarding its economic interests, continuing on such lines indefinitely is not an option and it is important that the country makes a strategic review of its policy and seek alternative ways of addressing outstanding issues. Domestic Monetary Systems: Speaking In purely political economic terms, the government of technocrats that took power in October 1999 was faced with a huge crisis. Business confidence was low, investors were hesitant and the economy seemed to be heading for a deeper depression. Political legitimacy for the regime was another issue. Quite smartly, the policy makers then decided to lower interest rates. The idea was that low interest rates would encourage private sector borrowing, push up aggregate demand, increase corporate sector profitability, help in the generation of employment and quite importantly provide legitimacy to the regime. The concept to create this artificial boom was not a bad idea at all, but the fact that this approach only stocks problem for the future are alarming. While banking is referred to as â€Å"the refined management of money†, during the last 9 years, the country bore witness to the greatest mismanagement of scarce resources in the history of the country. The rise of consumer banking in an undocumented economy meant that people borrowed cheap and spent it on unproductive activities like buying consumables, investing on a volatile stock market vacationing in Europe. New investment in capital was made, but the bulk of the corporate sector used the low interest rates to either replace existing machinery or reschedule existing loans at cheaper rates. Thus, the economy was inflated by the use of an expansionary monetary policy that increased the dependence on oil and fuel. Worse, the effect is more severe as a high proportion of petroleum consumption is used by private car owners. Had the government tried to balance total economic and social benefit with total economic and social costs, by for example, encouraging public transport as opposed to private car ownership, the economy would have been less affected by the oil price hikes. Switching to Compressed Natural Gas was instead provided as a viable alternative but the result was lower gas supply for domestic and industrial use. Today, the Pakistani economy is representative of an over inflated balloon and attempts to deflate it are having serious repercussions. The state bank of Pakistan has raised interest rates to 15. 5% in attempt to curb inflation running as high as 20%. Measures have been introduced to reduce the money supply. This would help ease inflationary pressures on the demand side. However the argument goes that high interest rates would discourage investment, lead to low business confidence result in excessive saving as people would consume less and save more. This would mean that a â€Å"general glut†would appear in the economy with high inventories and unused capacity. Unless there is adequate demand outside the economy, employment levels may fall and output would decrease, leading to further slow growth, possibly complete stagnation. Given the current world economic scenario, with recession in the US, the sub prime mortgage crisis, competition from low cost producers such as China and India and the overall geo political scenario, monetary contraction is only making matters worse. Another important problem is the fact that unethical business practices like cartelization and hoarding are ever prevalent in this country. Moreover, the country is highly dependent upon imports of fuel and other items to aid its industries. Thus, a major portion of the inflation that the country faces is cost push in nature. However, the aim remains to target aggregate demand. (Janjua, 2008) This policy of the government makes some sense as the economy is artificially inflated. However, by not targeting the cost push factors and solely targeting the demand factors by reducing money supply, the government is not helping consumer and business confidence. The government’s inaction can be explained by two reasons. First, the country has recently obtained a hefty loan of USD 7. 6 billion from the IMF. A condition of this loan is to restrict money supply further. This is typical of many IMF financings which focus on monetary betterment as opposed to the level of unemployment and GDP growth. Secondly, many of the cartels have representation in the government and due to the absence of a strict legal system; any action against them is made impossible. Foreign Trade: A very interesting scenario is presented in the Economic survey of Pakistan 2007-8, which states that exports â€Å"suffer from serious structural issues which need to be addressed primarily by the industry itself, with government playing its role of a facilitator. †It then goes on to tell how textiles are the most important contributor to exports (56. 67%) and the issues that the industry faces as a result of its inability to innovate, become efficient and embrace fashion trends in its primary foreign markets. A new surprise is found in the face of food items (the country is running out of water, by the way) accounting for 13% of total exports, petroleum products (meager resources at best) accounting for 6% of total exports, manufactured leather products 3. 7% and chemicals and pharma products almost 3. 27% of total exports. Aggregate these and you find that the top five exports make up 83% of total exports. (Ministry of Finance, 2008) The point of doing this analysis is to show that as an economy; Pakistan is heavily exposed to, what is called in financial management terminology, unsystematic risk. Its lack of diversity makes it more prone to microeconomic shocks in the prime exports that it makes. Another worrying problem is the terms of trade, (a monetary measure of the price of exports upon the price of imports). Sadly, whereas the terms of trade were highly in favor of Pakistan until 1998-99 (115. 7), they have since then nose dived to stand at 58. 35 (2007-8). What this implies is that although the country has been exporting a lot more in volume, in value terms, international trade is becoming increasingly disadvantageous for Pakistan. Even if you take the effect of rising oil prices out of this analysis, the terms of trade had, never the less had fallen to 73. 6 by 2004-5. This lack of value addition makes us it more suspect to microeconomic level industry shocks that could further damage its standing in the export market. (Ministry of Finance, 2008) The previously mentioned most accurately describes the Pakistani government’s policy towards foreign trade. Although it has been working tirelessly to gain access to markets in Asia, Europe and North America for its export industries, the emphasis has remained towards increasing textile exports. This support of textiles and agricultural items to a certain extent has not fared well for other industries and sectors. Export diversity is low and so is value addition. Moreover, the country has not been able to reposition itself with regard to reliance on imports. So in so, that even though the country is an agricultural country by definition, due to poor harvests and lack of support, in certain years, we see that staple food items are imported by this agricultural country. Although natural consequences favor that Pakistan produces and exports textiles and food items, unfortunately, but both these industries have certainly lost their efficiency at doing the job that is intended of them. The textile industrys inability to change coupled with power shortages and political nightmares and our lack of water resources for agriculture coupled with reluctance from commercial banks to serve this sector means that there should be a policy change at the federal level. The high level of competition that these industries face means that the government has to take steps not only to help these industries blossom and at least maintain their market share, but to ensure that comparative advantage is exploited in other fields as well. The Pakistani government has been providing support to the traditional industries for some time now with mixed results. Therefore, instead of a status quo â€Å"wait and see†policy, a change is warranted. Thus, a policy shift should be made towards growth of value adding, job and export oriented activities. Exchange Rate Policy: Interest rate parity and purchasing power parity holds that changes in exchange rates between currencies can be explained by differences in interest rates and inflation rates respectively between countries. Building on this premise, the Rupee Dollar (PKR:USD) exchange rate remained range bound between PKR 59/USD to PKR 62/ USD for almost 8 years, starting 2000. The reason was that the country followed a managed float, with the central bank intervening in the market whenever the exchange rate would go out of range. This was happening against the backdrop of the fact that interest rates and inflation rates were considerably high in Pakistan and the currency was expected to depreciate. (State Bank of Pakistan) This managed float policy changed in early 2008 when the new government took power and the country reverted to a floating system. The rupee has since lost 33% of its value against the US dollar and currently stands at PKR 80/USD. (State Bank of Pakistan) The current policy is more realistic in its economic nature as the country, lacking substantial foreign currency reserves and a permanent balance of payment deficit could not continue to support an artificially strong exchange rate. Furthermore, this new policy of floating exchange rate systems will benefit the country with regard to its exports becoming cheaper when priced in USD. However, whether demand for the country’s exports picks up is another issue. More over, the effect of the rise in the prices of imports also has to be considered as many inputs in the production process are imported. Conclusion: The analysis of Pakistan’s monetary, foreign trade, exchange rate and foreign policy reveals the tendency in many developing countries to take decisions regarding economy based on politics. The short term benefits include lending credibility to the person in power, but the long term effects are almost always devastating. References: Bajwa Naseem, F. (1999) Pakistan : A Historical and Contemporary Look. Karachi : Oxford University Press. Asif Malik, M. (2001). Ideology and Dynamics of Pakistan. Karachi: Publishers emporium. Lipsey G. , H. Harbury, C. (1992) First Principles of Economics. London: Oxford University Press. Library Of Congress. For Researchers. Retrieved from http://www. loc. gov/rr/ State Bank Of Pakistan. Publications : Financial Stability Review. [Data File] Retrieved from http://www. sbp. org. pk/fsr/2006/index. htm Janjua Ashraf, M. (2008).. Government Borrowing and State Bank’s Authority. The Daily Dawn Economic and Business review Retrieved 12th december 2008 from http://www. dawn. com/2008/11/24/ebr14. htm
Monday, January 20, 2020
I Saw Louisiana in a Live-Oak Growing Essay -- essays papers
I Saw Louisiana in a Live-Oak Growing Walt Whitman is considered one of the most important writers in the history of American Literature. The people of his own time called him a radical, a madman, and a pornographer. These days he is greatly appreciated and entitled as a fearless prophet of a new stage of human development. Sometimes Whitman would be in a slump and he felt that he needed to deflect the people who inquired too directly. This even meant using examples of homosexual elements in his work, as well as unbelievable stories of him having affairs with numerous women and fathering many children, unknown to him. Throughout these sorts of times W. Whitman has gone through both resentment and flattery, nevertheless showing us his best work. I Saw in Louisiana a Live-Oak Growing, is a great example. An older man comes across an oak tree in Louisiana. He begins to compare his life and friendship with this Live-Oak growing as a symbol of this. The word Live-Oak is a form of metonymy standing for the old manàs friendship. He describes this tree as it stands there alo...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
A Critical Study of Income Patterns After the Event Tourism in Sri Lanka Essay
Sri Lankan tourism has improved with the end of the civil war in 2009; it has able to bring many tourists from various nationals to Sri Lanka due to improvement of Security and other tourism related infrastructure. Sri Lanka tourism is focusing on promoting Sri Lankan tourism through many areas that can get competitive advantage from its key competitors. Event tourism considered as the latest addition to the Sri Lankan tourist industry, with the intention of latent to be a key tourist attraction to catch the attention of many tourists by organizing various international and local events develops the tourism in Sri Lanka and to earn substantial foreign exchange and expertise from other countries. During 2008-2010 development of world tourism remained flat due to the worst recession world has gone through after 1930’s.During 2009 world tourism has dropped dramatically by 5.5% and in 2010 growth of tourism remained flat. This slump of tourism did not affect Sri Lanka badly but the phase Sri Lankan civil war was ending (2008-2009) tourist arrivals had dropped considerably. But has able to rebound from the droop during the post war period due to the progress of situation security of the island. Event tourism is an important and rapidly growing segment of international tourism ’’. An article by Getz in 1989 in Tourism Management. Problem Statement According to â€Å"Mahinda Chinthaya†which is governments philosophy on development of Sri lanka, tourism considered as key income generator for SL economy, recently SLB has spend heavily on organizing major international events to attract foreign tourist to Sri Lanka. These events have many merits and failures to identify and through this research author will do a critical study of income patterns after the event tourism in Sri Lanka which is essential further improvement of the Sri Lanka travel industry. So the study is consist of information regarding the revenues and expenses occurred recently concluded Events in Sri Lanka. â€Å"Critical study of income patterns after the event tourism in Sri Lanka which is essential further improvement of the Sri Lanka travel industry.†Problem Justification Income after events conducted in SL gone under public conjecture, identification of income generated thorough sale of goods and services during the time of an event is a vital factor in future event planning. Analyses of the expenses made by private sector and government is important since some of the cost unable to be accounted due to poor accounting policies used by firms. Since that it’s important to identify the income generated by locals as well as foreigners by conducting events in Sri Lanka. All the income generated sponsorships given by the foreign firms for events conducted in SL and the identification of the publicity given by local and foreign media which has given good image about Sri Lanka and future income can be generated from these promotions. Though analyze author critically evaluate the income pattern after event tourism in Sri lanka and areas that critical have a impact on, Event tourism Sri Lanka which has been rarely overlooked by the government of Sri Lanka to develop the countries tourism. Objectives of the Study * Objective of finding key areas that able Sri Lanka should develop to Event tourism. * Evaluating past international events organized by Sri Lanka tourism to promote tourism in Sri Lanka. * To find out the relationship between past events and their revenue generation to gain positive financial out comes to Sri Lanka. * Recommend the areas that Sri Lanka Tourism should widen to gain more financial and to Promote Sri lanka as a major Event tourism destination. * Find out the structure of the Sri Lanka tourism and how to develop to add more pecuniary returns though improvement of its functions. Significance of the Study Scope of the study- research going to be profound and Proportional analysis of the research topic. Population for the research is been events the recently held in Sri Lanka (2009-2011), following constraints also been identify during the process of the research. Sample for research-Data available of the events conducted in Sri Lanka are not well documented and large scale events has the influence of the government. Since some of the cost incurred during the events are not available. Therefore the author has chosen the samples from events that have primary cost of more than 30 million to conduct an event, because hundreds of events done individuals focusing on Tourists. Below mentioned groups are benefited from this report; Event organizers –Through analysis of this Research help event organizers identify returns and expenses of conducting events. Also it will contribute them development weaknesses which they done in past events and use their strength effectively. Tourism professionals of the industry (promoters) – this able to identify the areas they should develop attract from tourists and to built image on other countries to visit Sri Lanka by using various cost effective and creative incentives attract more visitors to Sri Lanka to attend the future events. Government- This will help government identify the areas that should improve outcomes of the events conducted by various parties to attract tourists, which gives a valuable contribution to the local economy and to make a productive return from their investments. Media-Research will guide local and foreign media carry out widespread promotion events on Sri Lanka and the boost the image of Sri Lanka as a major tourism destination. Fut ure researchers- Research on this topic guide future researchers to an in-depth research in subject matter. Scope of the Study Research will be focused on revenues or the income generated from event organized by Sri Lanka Tourism and it will identify the how the income patterns during the period of 2009-2011.Research contained the events conducted in Sri Lanka focusing only on attracting foreign tourist with assistance of the government. Thorough analysis of the research people related tourism, particularly people who financing the similar events discussed in the research. Chapter 2 – Literature Review Chapter 3 – Research Methodology Independent Variables Dependant Variable Hypothesis|
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Analysis Of Trisomy 13 Not Always Genetics - 873 Words
Trisomy 13: Not Always Genetics Understanding the way our body is formed starting from the chromosomes to organ systems allows nurses to recognize genetic abnormalities. Comprehension of how these abnormalities change a person’s outward appearance and their bodily functions is expected of nurses. The aim of this paper is to explain how genetics and knowledge of genetics play a role in community nursing, and nursing in general. Genetics is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity of living organisms. Genes are the sets of chromosomes combined from the mother and father formed into the new set for the offspring. Sets of alleles forming the traits given to an offspring are called either genotypes, or when observable outwardly on the progeny they are called its phenotype. Traits are heterozygous as a gene with one allele is dominant, as its qualities dominate the phenotype of the organism, and the other allele is recessive. Recessive alleles qualities recede and are not observed over the domina nt allele. Some alleles do not have complete dominance and instead have incomplete dominance by expressing an intermediate phenotype, or codominance by expressing both alleles at once. Combinations of traits and genes make up the different faces and characteristics seen in our world and communities. One person even if related, unless from identical chromosomes, will not ever look the same as another human being (Tortora Derrickson, 2008). Helen was an expectingShow MoreRelatedHistory of the Patau Syndrome1850 Words  | 7 PagesPatau Syndrome, otherwise known as T13 is a very rare and lethal genetic disorder in which a person has three copies of chromosome 13 instead of two. T13 is characterized by the presence of an assortment of heart and brain malformation in newborns. Children with the disease are often born with multiple birth defects that are normally associated with T13 but not limited to it, including small eyes, undescended testicles, cleft lip/palate, and they consistently exhibit signs of mental deficiency and/orRead MoreThe Ethical Concept Of Genetic Engineering1157 Words  | 5 PagesThis assignment will discuss the ethical concept of genetic engineering and how it demonstrates its relevance to midwifery professional practice and maternity care. Before analysing genetic engineering and looking at the arguments as to whether it is ethically right, an understanding of what the terms and lawful procedu res mean should be determined. In order to construct this assignment, multiple resources were accessed. These resources included analysing books, both hard copies and electronicallyRead MoreGenetic Testing : Types Of Medical And Forensic Tests1715 Words  | 7 Pages Genetic Testing WHAT IS GENETIC TESTING? Genetic Testing is the process of using medical and forensic tests to identify and analyse a human, animal or plant DNA sequence. It can reveal changes or mutations in your genes that may result in illness and disease. TYPES OF TESTING Presymptomatic and predictive testing If you have a family history of a condition, undergoing genetic testing before you have symptoms may reveal if you re at risk for developing that condition Carrier testing If youRead MoreThe Genetic And Clinical Risk Factors For Explosion Phase Progression Of Chronic Leukemia1922 Words  | 8 Pagescarry an inherent risk of transformation to an accelerated-phase disease, as well as ultimately to acute leukemia. The likelihood of disease evolution is mitigated by various clinical, biological and genetic factors, as well as the by the underlying initial MPN diagnosis. Here we review the genetic and clinical risk factors for blast-phase progression of chronic-phase Phliadelphia-chromosome negative MPNs, as well as therapeutic outcomes to date. We also review the key pathologic findings in disease
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